03 November 2010


I'm a strange mix of irritable and productive today. It has meant I've gotten lots of art hung in the halls, lots of clay turkeys placed carefully in the kiln, lots of e mails returned, future travel  investigated. It has also meant that I've not been the nicest version of myself (quite surly, actually), that I've hidden in the library for the past hour, and that I'm wearing a stern frown, inside and out, in regard to the faculty meeting that is ahead of me. I just want to go home and bury my head. Is it the rain? I love rain, so I don't think so. Maybe it's the fact that I'm typing with clay-dry hands -- the absence of lotion when it's needed makes me fidgety. Apparently it also makes me ramble.

Today is one of those days where, regardless of how good I know I have it, I just want to jump into a different kind of life. A new setting, a skinny waist, a cute boyfriend, perpetual perfect weather, a place where things line up for me "just so" and no one expects anything from me but my natural greatness, dazzling humor and good looks.

(This will pass and I will once more become the grateful person I normally am. Just give me this one day.)

In the meantime, I've found a very pretty little site just now, quite by accident, on account of some Airstream research. Of particular interest to me is this post here. I do believe I will bookmark you, DesignSigh.

And now I'll go to my meeting with gratitude where I'll be reminded of the caliber of the folks with whom I work each day, the care and editing that goes into planning said meetings, and I'll remember that yes, I'm sitting pretty.