18 September 2008


I haven't had a celebrity crush like this since Leonardo when he arrived on the "Growing Pains" scene. (Okay, maybe it resurfaced when Titanic came out..so sue me.) But wait, Leonardo who?? Meet my latest obsession, Lee Pace. Look at him. That fair, noble brow, the sparkly, slightly sad eyes with startling lashes, and don't get me started on his lips. Pouty, sweet, and when he smiles.....(swoon). There's even something about his forehead that I find undeniably sexy. His forehead?! I know, but when you see him in action, you'll know what I'm talking about. His style is genuine, and when he's on screen, I believe every little thing he tells me. (As opposed to when he's standing in front of me and telling me things, of course.) On that note, I told mom that I had a schoolgirl crush on the most mesmerizing, refreshing new star and she said "Is he married? Maybe you should write him a letter!"

I love my mom. The entire world is a possibility with her.

I first saw my future husband in my new favorite television show, "Pushing Daisies." This show, well, it's genius. The cast, the writing, the acting, the color -- it's all totally brilliant. And I'm not just saying that because he's going to marry me one of these days in the not-too-distant future. (I can see how you might think I was biased, but that's really not the case. He truly is talented.)

Then I saw him again recently in two movies, both of which I now aim to own. (Although I probably shouldn't because I'm sure he could get them for me for free when we're married.) One was Tarsem Singh's "The Fall," a magnificent, mind-blowing -- and at the same time tender and sad -- tale of two convalescents who share in a story that unfolds like a glossy pageant on the screen. I mean, there's a underwater scene of an elephant swimming in turquoise waters, for heavens sake. Wha...?! Wow. This and so many other stunning moments make it unforgettable. Gorgeous images were repeatedly seared onto my brain. It was almost too much beauty....but not quite.

The other movie I saw (just happened to be the very next night) was "Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day." This is a delightful way to spend two hours. Frances McDormand shines, and I mean shines, as the movie's quiet heroine. Amy Adams, though I didn't appreciate her kissing my fellow quite so much, is electric. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, unless she was in the frame with Lee, and then of course I could. I almost cried along with them when they sang a tearful ballad together (he portrays a piano player in a 40's nightclub) and then found out...he actually did his own singing. Ah! Is there anything wrong with this man?

I'll let you know once we've been on our first date.