It's seven days later than my actual birthday, but today feels like my birthday all over again. I am tired from all of the celebrating/dining/imbibing that has gone on, so forgive me if I am brief.
We began the day with coffee and clementines.
We really rang in the morning with ricotta blueberry pancakes by me and perfectly spicy Bloody Marys by Joshua.
We spent the middle of the day with another slushy walk outdoors (and a little brief sledding), a cheese plate, naps, various books and periodicals.
That was followed by a fine cocktail and a pretty terrific dinner (which I'll go into later).
Another walk after some more snow was lovely and very much more frozen than before, which causes little alarm for tomorrow's travels because we like to stay positive.
Dessert, Old-Fashioneds and presents followed our romp.
I am, we are, grateful. For warmth, for very life, for one another, for music, laughter, good tastes, and times of rest like this one.
Good night.