13 September 2011


Listening to:
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark (whom I discovered, after doing a short bit of Pandora reading, were in a band called Hitlerz Underpantz before forming OMD. Interesting.) Billy Idol. The Cure. Tears for Fears. When In Rome. Dream Academy. Men Without Hats. 1986, I loved you. I still do.

Wearing, stupidly:
My pretty white linen blazer from Billy Reid with the liquid-soft oyster colored silk lining. I mean, why would any art teacher in her right mind wear a white linen anything to school?! I haven't gotten anything on it....yet. A dear fourth grade boy named Richard (whom I adore) said, while we were standing in line at the hot bar, "Miss Coates, you look so....mighty." "'Mighty', Richard?" "Well I mean, I never see you wear white! You just look kind of royal."

Cheered by (speaking of awesome things kids say to me):
The fifth grade girls who waltzed into my room this morning for class saying things like "Miss Coates, you're sooooo pretty." "Can I have your hair?" "You remind me of a mermaid. Like, all flowy and gold under the water." ?!?! Yesssss. I've still got it....in the eyes of fifth graders.

Looking forward to:
Early McIntosh apples (early macs) I'm about to go buy in celebration of temperate weather. Early McIntosh apples were introduced in 1923 and originated in Geneva, New York. The Early Mac is a cross between a Yellow Transparent and a McIntosh. Early Macs are moderately firm and crisp and good for eating and baking. Seasons change, and so does my eating. It's the way it should be, and the change is endlessly exciting to me. It's not quite time yet, but my thoughts are turning to pots of chili (with pickles), apple crisps, roasted, buttery acorn squash, and rich braises, aromatic and spoon-tender...