05 July 2011


I am SO behind. Does the fact that I'm typing all of this on my phone's touch screen make you slightly more inclined to forgive my latent posting?

A day in Encinitas (and surrounding cute outposts) with Ultimate Tour Guide David.

Bull Taco. No-fuss, right-down-to-it, fresh as can be Mexican fare. Mmm.

David masterfully wields the Jeep, tells funny stories and sunburns his nose.

Fish! Mindful fish, at the Self Realization Fellowship meditation gardens in Encinitas. I know, how very Californian.

Moonlight Beach. Lots of tanned bodies, sweaty volleyball players, coconut scented air. Typical. This grandaddy of a palm tree looms quite large in the middle of the public area. He's a friendly tree.

Supper with family at Casa de Bandini.

Post-dinner mapping with Marion.

Marion, a prolific watercolorist. Maybe we're family?