You've gotta hope that there's someone for you
As strange as you are
Who can cope with the things that you do
Without trying too hard
Because you can bend the truth
Until it's suiting you
These things that you're wrapping all around you
You never know what they will amount to
And your life is just going on without you
It's the end of the things you know
Here we go
You've gotta know that there's more to this world
Than what you have seen
Because we all have a limited view
Of what we can be
As we move along with our blinders on
Each one of us feels a little stranded
And you can't explain or understand it
Each one of us on a different planet
And amidst all the to and fro
Someone can say hello
Here we go
The feeling that someone really gets you
It's something that no one should object to
It could happen today
So I suggest you skip your habit of laying low
It's the end of the things you know
Here we go
Because someone can say "Hello,
You old so and so, here we go"
18 August 2011
I happily flicked the radio knob, wielding my sole power over news of campaign mischief, national debt, war. I can only stay so informed before I go raging mad. Instead, I spent that precious little silent time in my head, being thankful for asparagus with my eggs, the morning's sunshine, my pretty orange shoes, a truck that drives and legs that move...simple things.
I arrived at school early, clopped down the stairs and flipped on the lights that hang over my desk. They're white paper lanterns in varying sizes, ethereal and easy on the early morning eyes. I set down my second cup of coffee, yet quite full thanks to minimal spillage on the six-minute drive. This song was the first that popped up on my Jon Brion Pandora station, so very appropriately titled and timed for my heart's position toward and sense of confidence in romance lately. Not just romance, but the concept of partnership with a person -- the idea that someone might know me differently than anyone's ever known me, some day. Anyway, it's beautifully, knowingly written. (Brion's the guy who did the music for, among many other movies, Punch-Drunk Love. If you've seen that, it'll make perfect sense. If you've not seen it, get it on a screen in front of you, now.)
Check it out on iTunes -- the melody and instrumentation are almost as right-on as these words are. Some might think me a downtrodden, complaining sap, what with these yearny things I sometimes post, but I think maybe I'm just more of a full-hearted, incurable hoper.