The first part to benefit from the spray of Chevrolet Orange (it says that on the can) was the timing chain cover. It hung in the night air and swung gently as it became a bright, brand new piece. The color got me excited -- doesn't take much. Jason and I worked steadily on cleaning and painting for about three hours that night.
That was a while ago.
Since then we have....
.....J.B. Weld-ed the oil pan so that we could reuse it...
...Loved the result....
...Carefully consulted the manual on...stuff.....
...Done our homework.....
....and lots of other little things that would bore you to tears to red about. Suffice it to say, we're close as close can be, I've detached and attached the dash cluster panel about 43 times, and I'm just sure something is awry. Never you mind that, though, because the heart of this animal is back in place, and that's all that matters. her veins have been reattached to the life source and all should be (s)well in a matter of days.
Stay tuned.