This album fills my need for quirk, tech-ish sounds, drama, and sing-along-ability.

I can't say I drink this tea for its detox-ing qualities. I drink it because it's herby, spicy, flavorful and cozy. It tastes like cinnamon, juniper, pepper, citrus and licorice. I drink several cups after my coffee every day.
Thinking of:

We secured our beach dwelling for spring break last week. I am consumed by thoughts of warm air and salty skin. The countdown has begun as has the fitness battle. Well, the battle only rages in my head currently. I haven't really felt compelled to beat the pavement in this January cold. It's miserable! Along with miserable weather comes a desire for rich, hearty stews, couch-sitting beneath my favorite blanket, bourbon and dark chocolate. These aren't really helping the cause, not in the least.

See aforementioned battle.
Praying for:

The displaced children of Haiti, especially.
Jonesing for:

"Lussekatter." Swedish saffron buns, alongside a cup of strong tea with cream and sugar. Sometimes their unmistakable flavor creeps into my mouth's memory and I just can't shake it. Would be perfect on a blustery day like this one.