04 August 2010


I've been working on new paintings for pieces that are slowly coming together lately. All of the images are based on photographs I took this summer while in Marfa, Texas or in the outlying west Texas hill country. Desolate, vibrant, harsh, enveloping, startling beauty. I noticed colors beginning to repeat themselves in the repertoire and so these images, they all but begged to be painted.

Today I'll be in the Hatch completing these works, armed with tunes, my Nalgene, and ice packs strapped to every inch of my body. Have I chosen unwisely since weather dot com has warned about "excessive heat"? Hrm, I'll take my chances with the "Wind Tunnel 3000" fan I've got plugged in out there, and there's always the stockpile of Fla-Vor Ice in the freezer for some temporary relief.